Computer Science
Simulating evolution to understand a hidden switch
Some organisms evolve an internal switch that can remain hidden for generations until stress flicks it on.
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Computer Science
Some organisms evolve an internal switch that can remain hidden for generations until stress flicks it on.
Computer Science
Computer models efficiently and accurately simulate the magnetic responses of ferrofluids by considering only the fluid’s surface.
Marine Science
Tackling climate change in marine ecosystems requires diverse strategies, from protecting coasts to farming kelp and restoring whale populations.
Material Science and Engineering
An electrochemical method for stabilizing a reactive molecule can help the development of higher efficiency solar cells.
Electrical Engineering
Roads installed with wireless charging technology could become an integral feature of our cities in an electric vehicle future.
Electrical Engineering
A single semiconducting material can produce white light by emitting light across the visible spectrum.
A high-frequency model developed using data from new high-precision rain gauges gives fresh insight into the dynamics of rain and runoff events.
Environmental Science and Engineering
Microbiologist Peiying Hong explains current research into COVID-19 monitoring and surveillance using wastewater.
Marine Science
Researchers uncover an overlooked process enhancing the carbon-removal potential of mangroves.
A prediction model that considers multiple landslides over time in a given region may improve the accuracy of early warning systems.
Mechanical Engineering
A highly selective and sensitive laser sensor can pick up low-level benzene emissions in ambient air.
Environmental Science and Engineering
Ultrathin porous films that can pluck out specific nanoscopic molecules could refine oil purification and drug development.
Marine Science
The balance of the sexes in marine turtle hatchlings may be disrupted by high sand temperatures at nesting sites around the Red Sea.
A reverse form of host-guest chemistry could upend the way the chemical industry approaches challenging, energy-intensive molecular separations.
Marine Science
Little of the organic carbon in the Red Sea could be reaching the depths necessary for long-term storage.
Material Science and Engineering
Soft, stretchy, slimline and strong electronics could accelerate the arrival of artificial skin.
Earth Science and Engineering
A model for the southeastern California lithosphere suggests that a strong upper crust overlies weaker lower rock layers.
Material Science and Engineering
Small molecules could hold the key to enhancing the efficiency of organic solar cells.
Harnessing the power of deep learning leads to better predictions of patient admissions and flow in emergency departments.
Chemical Engineering
Chemistry computer algorithm does more with less experimental data to reveal the optimal way to make green materials.
Earth Science and Engineering
Modeling shows that volcanic eruptions can cause changes in global climate, if the timing is right.
Environmental Science and Engineering
A polyelectrolyte coating enables clean seawater desalination systems without harmful chemicals.
Earth Science and Engineering
An all-inclusive climate model for the entire Red Sea region is supporting Saudi Arabia’s plans for a sustainable future.
Electrical Engineering
Laser writing breathes life into high-performance sensing platforms.
Electrical Engineering
A mathematical model shows specialized reflective panels could be deployed on a large scale to enhance communication networks in urban areas.
Material Science and Engineering
High-performance perovskite solar cells are made using a manufacturing-friendly liquid-based process suitable for roll to roll production.
Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences
A continuous data supply ensures data-intensive simulations can run at maximum speed.
Computer Science
Microscope and protein data are incorporated into an easy-to-use-and-update tool that can model an organism’s 3D appearance.
A new test kit could enable quick and effective COVID-19 tests for people arriving at airports.
Electrical Engineering
A printable ink that is both conductive and transparent can also block radio waves.
Carefully designed covalent organic frameworks could make supercapacitor electrodes that have a greater ability to store electric charge.
Environmental Science and Engineering
An experiment, elegant in its simplicity, helps explain why water becomes electrified when it touches hydrophobic surfaces.
Marine Science
A newly sequenced coral genome offers tools to understand environmental adaptation.
Material Science and Engineering
A deeper understanding of efficiency-limiting processes provides design rules for organic solar cell materials.
Material Science and Engineering
Treating silicon with carbon dioxide gas in plasma processing brings simplicity and control to a key step for making solar cells.
Chemical treatments enable low-cost light sources to emit specific colors on demand.
Stem cell trafficking to the bone marrow is improved by an enzyme manufactured in silkworms and yeast.
Environmental Science and Engineering
A new electroactive bacterium could help fuel wastewater treatment reactors.
Marine Science
In probably the first observation of its kind, a tricky triggerfish is seen beaching itself before attacking a crab walking along the shoreline.
A decades-old technique for probing protein motions proves more accurate than current practices.
Electrical Engineering
A two-dimensional material mimics the human temperature-sensing system.
Earth Science and Engineering
Analysis of abnormally deep earthquakes may lead to improved seismic forecasting.
Material Science and Engineering
Air-stable coatings can improve the longevity of wearable devices that tap into body heat.
Environmental Science and Engineering
Combining solar-harvesting materials with carbon-dioxide–consuming microbes could be an efficient way to generate clean fuels.
Custom-fabricated lenses make it easy to attach high-tech microscopes directly to cell incubators.
A nutritious millet crop grown mainly in West Africa could be genetically improved for large-scale agriculture in Saudi Arabia.
Plant Science
A molecular mimic designed to promote plant growth and limit witchweed infestation shows promise in initial trials.
Prediction of wind speed and direction for up to several hours in advance improves Saudi Arabia’s wind energy potential.
Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences
The ability to efficiently simulate the noise generated by wings and propellers promises to accelerate the development of quieter aircraft and turbines.
Electrical Engineering
A multisensory graphene-based skin can sense in extreme environments where other sensors cannot be used.
Material Science and Engineering
Ultrathin charge-transport layers enable low-cost solar cells to avoid premature degradation from ultraviolet light.
Unique star-shaped polymers have highly tunable properties that will open up a range of new applications.
Marine Science
Multistakeholder collaboration is key for the adoption of molecular approaches that can facilitate accurate, cheaper and faster monitoring of marine ecosystems.
Material Science and Engineering
Researchers develop a better understanding of how novel solar cells developed in the lab will operate under real conditions.
Material Science and Engineering
Imaging artifacts discovered in high-resolution electron microscopes may impact development of next-generation electronic devices.
Material Science and Engineering
Multilayered carbon material could be the perfect fit for heat management in electronic devices.
A method that lights up tags attached to selected proteins can help to purify the proteins from a mixed protein pool.
Material Science and Engineering
Surfaces featuring atomic-scale ledges and steps can act as reusable templates for producing nanoelectronic components.
Applied Physics
Combining distinctive properties of two-dimensional materials inspires research to reveal a new frontrunner.
Chemical Engineering
Looking closely at the chemical process that transforms methane into useful products could help unveil more efficient ways to use natural gas.
Electrical Engineering
Identifying the ideal co-catalyst can significantly extend the working lifetime of solar fuel–generating photocatalysts.
Mechanical Engineering
Improved imaging of liquid jet sprays can impact fields ranging from inkjet printing to oil and gas processing.
A sequencing approach can home in on a rare mutation within a large number of cells, revealing implications for CRISPR genome editing and early cancer detection.
Material Science and Engineering
Efficient yet exceptionally light organic solar cells created entirely by inkjet printing.
Chemical Engineering
Machine learning models can rapidly and accurately estimate key chemical parameters related to molecular reactivity.
Environmental Science and Engineering
Light-responsive building blocks provide organic membranes with light-controlled permeability and selectivity.
Marine Science
A safer technique reveals that corals take up seawater pollutants both directly and indirectly.
Material Science and Engineering
Atomically precise nanocluster may provide fresh direction for nanocatalysts.
Plant Science
Efficient greenhouse complexes that will grow crops using the resources available on desert coasts could improve food security for millions.
Chemical Engineering
Modified metal-organic frameworks that can behave as porous liquids offer new possibilities for gas separation technologies.
An energy transfer process that mimics photosynthesis could help to extract more power from sunlight.
Mechanical Engineering
Plasma technology could help the petrochemical industry transition to an electrified, decarbonized future.
A likeness between genes of the SARS and COVID-19 viruses could inform research into potential treatments.
Environmental Science and Engineering
Models based on images from unmanned aerial vehicles and satellites can help farmers to monitor the health of individual trees.
Environmental Science and Engineering
High-capacity oil-adsorbing mats could be deployed in oil spill emergencies to limit ecological damage.
High-resolution analysis of wind speed across Saudi Arabia can help fast track the expansion of the Kingdom’s emerging world-class wind energy industry.
Mechanical Engineering
Collisions of tiny air bubbles with water surfaces can reveal fundamental characteristics of foamy mixtures.
Earth Science and Engineering
A high-resolution atmospheric assessment for the northern Red Sea coast in Saudi Arabia shows the region has some of the best air quality in the Kingdom.
Material Science and Engineering
The successful partnering of perovskite and silicon solar cells leads to solar cells with higher efficiencies that can also be mass produced.
Electrical Engineering
Wire-connected drones may complement or replace the fixed-base stations of cellular communications networks.
Material Science and Engineering
Scientists working in KAUST’s Core Lab facilities are continuing to push the boundaries of what the university’s major instruments can do.
Electrical Engineering
A polyimide membrane with regularly sized and spaced pores turns the N95 respirator into a reusable mask for protection against COVID-19.
Material Science and Engineering
Understanding the optimal process for fabricating coupled nanocrystal solids could help researchers to improve optoelectronics devices.
An assay for imaging the physical interactions between multiple cell populations could help cancer research and treatment assessment.
Electrical Engineering
Novel red LEDs are more temperature stable than those made using the conventional semiconductor of choice.
Marine Science
Giant clams manipulate light to assist their symbiotic partner.
Earth Science and Engineering
Modeling shows that coral reefs off the east coast of Saudi Arabia play a vital role in protecting the coastal zone.
Environmental Science and Engineering
More energy-efficient wastewater treatment may be possible by harnessing anammox bacteria’s surprising ability to "breathe" solid-state matter.
Chemical Engineering
Highly modular metal-organic framework-based materials show great potential for photocatalytic hydrogen production.
Earth Science and Engineering
Extra caution is required in developing climate forecasts of enclosed seas.
A facile and mild bromine treatment eliminates surface and bulk defects from perovskites to boost the materials’ optoelectronic properties.
Marine Science
Studies of plankton communities in Red Sea waters provide insights into seasonal variations and dominant control mechanisms.
A water-stable dopant enhances and stabilizes the performance of electron-transporting organic electrochemical transistors.
Electrical Engineering
An old branch of mathematics finds a fertile new field of application.
Computer Science
Scuba divers could send sea life shots in real time using an aquatic internet service.
Discovery of a malaria parasite’s internal clock could lead to new treatment strategies
Extreme weather patterns and regions at risk of flooding could be easier to spot using a new statistical model for large spatial datasets.
Chemical Engineering
A more sensitive technique shows a cigarette alternative seems to emit more chemicals than manufacturer testing had found.
Earth Science and Engineering
Understanding how storms unleash more rain over cities in the desert could improve water security in Saudi Arabia.
Computer Science
By training a search agent to make smarter exploratory decisions, relational data can be classified more accurately and efficiently.